Sunday, October 12, 2008

Leaving For The Launch

So I’m headed off into the jungle tomorrow to meet up with the launch. Huh? Well I live in the jungle, but the settled jungle is very different from the need-a-boat-to-get-there jungle. I think it will be a great experience. It’s almost like a vacation for a couple of weeks. I get to shoot pictures, journal about my experience, and experience the launch to write about it on our website. Plus, I get to meet up with Linda and Kristin, the two other SMs here. I haven’t seen them yet. It will be great to catch up and hang out with fellow Americans!

The only trouble is that I have to take the public launch/ferry to get there. It’s about a three day trip via the river. Apparently it’s hot and robbers abound. Henrry, the launch nurse, and I will have to guard our bags and supplies like hawks. Maybe I just won’t sleep? Lol.

So I’ll be gone for about two and a half weeks, but I’m sure I’ll come back with many exciting stories. I’ll have to tell you of my adventures hiding from flocks of mosquitoes, avoiding snakes (either poisonous or huge boas), and washing clothes in the river/lake. It’ll be an experience, but I know one thing, my Savior will always be by my side watching after me. It’s always great to know that the King of the universe cares about the little details in our lives. He loves us more than we could even imagine. Just ask Christ. He has the scars to prove it.

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