Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Launch - Day 3 & 4

When the public launch landed at Puerto Enrique, we hurriedly got all of the supplies and bags off before it started down the river again. Our crew helped and fortunately nothing was left behind. Introductions were made, and everyone had a smile on their face. We walked about a quarter mile along the bank to were the launch was tied up and then met the rest of the crew. Everyone was so friendly. I didn’t know it then, but some of them would become good friends. The crew were so welcoming that the Launch felt like a second home here in Peru.
The other joyous occasion was my reunion with Kristen and Linda (the other SMs serving on the launch). It was great to finally see them in Peru and start catching up. The rest of the day was spent getting settled before we went into the village to play futbol. While I’m still not very good, I had a great time. Some of the local children played, and everyone really got into it. Afterwards, we played a little basketball - definitely a great experience.
The next day, I began taking pictures of the crew and helping in the clinic, though I was only proficient when behind the camera. It was great to spend time with the medical staff (Henrry, nurse tech Melita, Kristin, and Linda). While I didn’t feel like I could help much, Henrry made sure to include me. I even got the chance to put ointment on a boy’s facial burns. It made me realize how the Lord is able to use us. Sometimes the Lord allows us to directly touch the lives of others.

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