Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Weekend

I'm nearing the end of my first weekend and have experienced some highs and lows. To my surprise, we didn't do anything special on the base for Friday night. I guess I was hoping for something like vespers at Southern. lol. Hopefully, we can start having real worships when the rest of the soon-to-arrive team get here. I probably just miss Southern and seeing many friends. Yeah, I miss you!

Well, I think the food finally struck. I was having some minor stomach problems this week. I'm not sure if it was from the food that Beto and I had on Thursday night or from something else, but I felt a little funny most of the weekend. I feel a lot better now (with the help of some charcoal and the Lord).

Sabbath school and church were good, except I only understood about 5 percent of the service. I like singing though, especially if I know the song. I remember loving to sing in Espana in the summer of 2007. Church kind of feels the same though. I'll try concentrating really hard and try to understand the topic, but then I start daydreaming when I understand so little. In time (en tiempo)...

Aner, one of the base workers who's 23 and is like a nephew to Edie, came over for Sabbath lunch. It was a real treat to talk with him afterwards. He's studied English for a number of years and speaks very well. I think he's just a little timid. It really helps speaking Spanish to someone who I can ask simple questions. Como se dice "many" (How do you say "many" in Spanish)? We probably talked for about two hours. My spanish is still bad (or malo), but the Lord is definitely helping me learn, especially since I still don't have my books yet. I also told Aner that I could help him with his English. Maybe we'll both be quite proficient in each other's languages by the time I leave.

Another downside to the weekend was the realization that the youth are just very unmovitated to have a realationship with Christ. After evening worship and talking with Edie, I decided that I really want to change that but it appears to be a daunting task. Please pray that the Lord does mighty things through me, as I boldy ask that He use me to His full potential. While I know there is a definite language barrier right now, I'm hoping that I can show them how great it is to have Jesus in their lives.

Sunday has been nice and lazy. I read the book of James this morning. Wow, time and time again, I'm amazed with the words that the Lord gives through Christ's brother. If you have some time, take a look at it. I've also been reading up on some photography skills and software (raw photos and processing). OK, maybe not the most fun reading, but I want to take my photography to new levels. I don't know if I told you, but I took over 75 shots the other morning.

The food's still great. I had a coconut (coco) today as well as some tiny bananas. The weather's been nice too, though we had a big wind storm last night. Anyway, I'm off to send a few emails and go for a run before the special meeting tonight. Praise the Lord for He is good! His mercy endures forever!

1 comment:

*alexandria* said...

Kevin it sounds like you're doing amazing there already! But I am selfish and miss you.... Keep me updated! I love you!