Saturday, September 20, 2008

Not in the United States?

Ten things that let me know I'm probably not in the Estados Unidos (United States) anymore!

My legs and feet look like I went camping with a bunch of buddies who happen to be mosquitoes.
Cooking food always involves a match.
You could be scared numerous time just driving into town due to the "normal" traffic.
You get sweaty just from walking around.
Brushing my teeth involves using bottled water.
Your average automobile is a hybrid motorcycle cart.
People can ask me questions and a average respond might be "What?" (Que?) or "I don't know what in the world you're trying to ask me!" (No entiendo).
I can be woken up by the sound of chickens and roosters.
A bottle of contact solution costs three days wages.
Everything seems to take twice as long.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Bienvenidos a Peru, Kevin!!

I'm glad you made it out to the field--and you sure are lucky with that constant electricity. :) Your blogs are awesome, and I know God will use you powerfully!