Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pretty Much a Normal Day

I had a pretty normal day, though I had the opportunity to speak with Linda this morning over our ham radio. I had a hard time understanding her due to the atmospheric noise, but we managed (in English). And Edie told me that the connection was good too. lol. Besides that, I spent most of the day going through part of 10 GB of base pictures from the last three years or so. I'll probably spend the rest of the week organizing them and giving each specific keywords for easy searching later on. I also got a lot of great ideas for some shots, as well as remembering what not to do when I shoot. lol.

At lunch, Edie and I ate lunch with Loyda (I could be spelling that wrong). It was an amazing lunch like some of the best food at Machu Picchu Restaurant in Collegedale. She is very friendly. The people here are great! I also had the chance to converse with her, or try to converse. Well, at least I'm trying. It will help when I get my Espanol books from my second bag that's still in Lima or on its way. I can tell the Lord is definitely helping me. My studies in Espana were a huge resource I took for granted. I pray that the Lord will help me each and every day.

Beto (our pilot and mechanic) took me out to eat tonight. He's really great too. We've bonded really well, especially since he speaks English. We ate at a little shop in San Jose (our village), which was really half restaurant, half food supplies. It was really good food. I'm greatly enjoying the food here. He said that the Coke we drank should help with digestion. I'm just hoping that I don't have problems later on.

Well I'll sign off. Thank you for your prayers. Keep the Lord first in your life. Let Him lead your every step. Always remember that He always loves you, even more than you can even imagine!

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